This product is universal and applies to all vehicles.
Degreaser; Heavy Duty; 1 Gallon; This is a concentrated industrial type soap and/or degreaser. It is used to degrease engines and can be used as a floor cleaner, also great truck and bus soap. Dilution depends on the severity of the job and can be diluted as high as 100:1 with water.
Road Warrior is a concentrated industrial soap/degreaser. This product is a non sudsing type soap and works great on larger vehicles and trailers. This product is safe to use in pressure washers or any equipment and is an excellent black streak remover on RV’s, Boats, trailers or any larger vehicle. This is a water based product making it safe on decals on RV’s, buses or any truck or trailer. Road Warrior passed the rigorous New York City Transit Authority test methods using synthetic hard water and axle grease. Dilution depends on the severity of the job and can be diluted as high as 100:1 with water. This is one of the best industrial soaps available on the market; it will clean RV’s, Buses, Trains, Tractors, Trailers, Pontoon Boats, just about any large vehicle you can imagine. Another great use for this product is cleaning gutters. It is unique because it is safe to use on any surface but aggressive enough to remove dirt, grease, and grime